

Explore the mechanics of John AI, from API integration to future extensions, as we reveal how our intelligent coding agent seamlessly fits into your workflow.

How John AI Works: Unlock Coding Efficiency with Our API and Upcoming Extensions

Discover the powerful functionality of John AI, designed to streamline your coding experience. With our API, you can integrate John AI directly into your existing software. And stay tuned, we’re soon launching extensions for Google Docs and VS Code to make your life even easier!
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Faster Development Time:

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Reduction in Coding Errors

Under the Hood: The Technical Aspects of John AI

Take a deep dive into the technology powering John AI, from its robust microservices architecture and machine learning algorithms to its secure and extensible design.

Core Architecture

John AI is built on a robust microservices architecture, ensuring scalability and reliability. It’s hosted on cloud infrastructure to provide real-time, low-latency performance.

Language Support

Currently, John AI offers support for multiple programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, and Java. We use language-specific parsers for accurate code analysis.

Machine Learning Algorithms

Our system leverages advanced machine learning algorithms for intelligent code suggestions. We’ve trained our model on vast datasets to offer context-aware assistance.

API Endpoints

The API provides RESTful endpoints for easy integration and supports JSON payloads for data interchange. You can also use endpoint for Suggestions – /api/suggestions
and endpoint for Error Detection- /api/errors

Security Measures

We take security seriously. All data transmitted to and from John AI is encrypted using SSL/TLS. We also adhere to OAuth 2.0 standards for secure API access.


The modular design of John AI makes it highly extensible. Our forthcoming Google Docs and VS Code extensions are evidence of this adaptability.


We Created an LLM for John AI

Our first milestone was to create a Language Learning Model (LLM) to lay the foundation for John AI.


Trained Massive Coding Asset On It

Our proprietary dataset was utilized to train the LLM, fine-tuning its capabilities for coding tasks.


Tested the LLM and Found It to Be Superior to GPT-4

Rigorous testing revealed that our LLM outperformed GPT-4 in code-related tasks.


Exposing Our API for Developers

Developers can now integrate John AI into their workflows through our API.

In Progress

Working on VS Code and Google Chrome Extensions

Expand your John AI experience with upcoming extensions for VS Code and Google Chrome.


Integration of John AI and Shan AI

John AI will soon be capable of creating an entire app from natural language when integrated with Shan AI.

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Reporting and Analytics : Data-Driven Insights

Unlock actionable insights with John AI’s robust reporting and analytics features. Catering to both developers and project managers, our platform delivers key metrics such as lines of code generated, code reviews completed, and potential threats detected. Stay ahead with real-time data on error rates, API calls, feature utilization, and time saved, providing a 360-degree view of your team’s productivity and code quality. 

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